Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Santa Cruz Getaway, Day Two

Well, Santa Cruz certainly made up with us today. The weather was absolutely perfect. This was a plus since we now found ourselves sans-umbrella.

It was even warm enough to find the water appealing. Spencer was a little leery (and that's being generous!), but Mia just loved it. We could hardly get her away from the water and if we tried she'd say, "Go!" and "Awa!" (agua=water). Finally, she settled for a bit and decided the sand wasn't so bad. Spencer was content building his "bird nest" and looking for shells. We found a few, but in the end discovered far more pistachio nut shells. It was a discoverer's paradise!

And being near the ocean made us both crave some seafood. We had a nice dinner (yes, with children!) out on the pier overlooking you guessed it, the ocean.

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