Saturday, November 24, 2007


Thanksgiving was a good time to reflect on all that I should be thankful for. Normally I wouldn't count myself in the ungrateful lot, but I realize sometimes that's right where I belong.

A few weeks ago I heard a message that really hit home. While listening, it occurred to me that all too often I grumble about my greatest blessings. My grumbling sounds something like this: "My house is a disaster." "Spencer just won't listen!" "Mia had me up four times last night." "Ugh. The car needs an oil change again." "I'm so tired." "Alfonso's too busy to call me." The truth is, too many people are living without the blessings I'm complaining about. Ouch.

I can absolutely promise you I'll grumble again, maybe even within the next few minutes. There's hope for some improvement as I become more and more cognizant of my complaining. Thankfully, I have a very patient Savior.