Have you heard of Gilroy? Maybe I'm dreaming this up, but I believe Gilroy is often referred to as the 'Garlic Capital' and is home to the annual garlic festival. We've been to the festival in the past, and when it's in full swing you can smell the garlic and all the goodies created with garlic, from miles away. Seriously.
We missed the festival by a few weeks, but we had heard some good reports about the amusement park. It was great to be at an all inclusive park with rides geared towards little ones. I guess the same could be said of most carnival type rides, but who likes the $5.00 price tag that goes with?!
The kids had a fabulous time. Spencer is really into his new-found "mighty kid" power and was extra brave on all the rides. Mia seems to go with the flow and was happy just as long as she had her "te-te" (bottle) on time. A word of advice to ALL parents: Assume there's a water feature at EVERY amusement park. Of course, Spencer couldn't resist the water park and was absolutely soaked in the end. He spent the rest of the day shirtless. Nice.
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