Thursday, July 12, 2007

Craving Substance

Being a woman is tough sometimes, don't you think? The world tells us how we should dress, behave, live. Sometimes, it is just plain tiring!

Alfonso came up with a perfect anology. We have this beautiful tree in our front yard. Come spring it produces gorgeous blooms that last through summer. Its a tall beauty too. The branches stretch to the roof of our two story home and that's quite an accomplishment since it was itty-bitty five years ago.

We began having problems with our "beauty" last summer. The wind picks up real nice here and "beauty" couldn't take it. Our tree had spent too much energy growing tall, growing out and growing those blooms. Unfortunately, little effort had been spent on growing deeper roots.

All too often I find myself chasing what the world tells me is important and it ain't godly. I most definitely don't want to end up like our tree, currently supported by three wire cable (yes, our "beauty" has become Frankenstein-a). I am convinced more than ever before that true fulfillment can only come by chasing the true fulfiller.

Oh, and I'm holding tight to this too:
"Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised." Proverbs 31:30

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