Wednesday, July 25, 2007

One year ago today we were packing up and heading for home. We had spent a good time at the lake with our best buds and the kiddos, but our time was up. It had come time to return to reality and air conditioning (can you guess which I was most thrilled about?! hint, hint...the temps peaked at 115 degrees).

Before we started our engines, we had one last piece of business to attend to; it was picture time! We propped the camera on the BBQ and let the timer do its magic. We took two pictures that day: one posed and smiley and the other was downright silly. Who knew our little tradition would have so much meaning?!

Meaning?! Yes!! You see, as we posed before the camera, our Social Worker was trying (and trying again!) to reach us on our cell phones. We didn't hear the ringing, because we were, well, busy. Once we were in the car we checked our phones, both had waiting voicemail messages. I retrived my message first and heard there was "exciting news" awaiting us. We weren't expecting our referral for several months, but found ourselves wondering, "Could it be?"

Well, yes it could and it was! The wonderful news was shared with our best friends via speakerphone. There was not a dry eye in that rusty old gas station parking lot. God's timing could not have been more perfect! I couldn't have orchestrated the delivery better in my own mind (and we all know women are pretty darn good at planning!).

And so, July 25th, 2006 will forever be remembered as a day our hearts grew.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

What a great day that was. It seems just like yesterday in some ways and then as we look back on the journey to see mia come home it has been a long one. God is Good, and we celebrate this fantastic time as she is coming home to be part of the family soon... OH WE CAN"T WAIT TO MEET HER!

Love you all,